Saturday, February 7, 2009

oh hey there

I would've updated more this week, believe me, I had the time, but they would have been the most useless, boring posts ever. Why, you ask? Because i've done absolutely nothing. Well, up until last night. I got sick this week, so my host mom has had me on steady dosages of jarabe and other random drugs, and i've pretty much just felt shitty. I was supposed to go out thursday night - i even had clothes on and everything - but i just couldn't. i went to bed at 9pm and woke up at 11am. 14 hours of sleep. too much. i felt even shittier when i woke up, haha.

Friday i went to Chueca and Sol with Charly and we bought boots! yay - mine are so hot. perfect for going out. because, let's be honest, me and stilettos don't mix very well. so yeah, boots with a heel are a good compromise, cause they're hot but i'll still be alive at the end of the night.

So we went all around sol and the surrounding area yesterday, and then i got home and took a nap! <3 naps...i take one a day at least, haha.

After my lovely nap, i got ready to go out and we went to this cool bar called tupperware, and get this: I HEARD TIME TO PRETEND BY MGMT IN THE BAR!! i freaked out, haha. and then i made natalie come with me to the stairs so we could hear it better cause they were playing it downstairs and we were sitting upstairs. but yeah, it was a really chill bar with AWESOME music!

We were there for a while, and then walked all the way to El Tigre in the freezing cold. We walked by Pacha, which is this club we were originally going to go to, but it costs 16 euro to get in, and we are cheap mothafuckas. plus, jana and natalie's intercambio apparently has connections there, so if we go next week, he'll be able to get us in for free =). i like it, i like it a lot. So yeah we went to El Tigre and got massive mojitos (they are the big and only 6 euro and sooo gooood), but then we talked the promoter dudes from joy and they were like "if you want to get in free, you have to leave NOW." That meant that we had to finish our mojitos in like 5 minutes, which was...interesting. it sped the night up, to say the least, haha.

We got to joy, claimed to be on this random dude's guestlist from eurovibe (maybe steve??...idk) and ended up getting in fine. so that was nice. after that, we just danced up the evening til around 5, when we had had enough. Charly and i left, thinking no one else was there anymore (originally me, charly, rachel, natalie, jana, kim, dana, and kate had come, but i think they all left at some point before was a packed club, thus it was nearly impossible to keep track of such a large group!), and we went to cafe y te to wait out the metro.

BUT THEN cafe y te was closed! alas! we were so tired, we went to the street right by cafe y te to wait for it to open, and just plunked ourselves down on the street in front of a closed dunkin coffee. Rachel and some Greek dude met up with us there, and then this random from Tangiers latched on to our group and would NOT leave us alone. He went with us to Cafe y Te and insisted on taking multiple pictures with us. When we left Cafe y Te, he attempted to follow us into the metro, but we booked it as soon as we got through the barrier, and lost him! haha...good work, charly.

i got home around 630-7, as usual, and went to bed. My host mom woke me up today with some coffee and codeine...i think that's what it is? it's OTC, but she asked me if i was allergic to codeine. and the drugs here are SOO much stronger than those in the US. classic. she's convinced im dying, i think...but it's okay..cause she's super nice, and although she can be a bit overwhelming, i know she's just worried and making sure im okay.

So today, saturday, i gotta read this EU stuff and do some other homework. Also, i must shower. ew. so lazy. i guess i'll get on that, cause it will probably take me a good half hour to get myself out of bed and moving. haha. SEE ya!

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