Thursday, March 5, 2009


Soo i went to carnaval and Portugal and blah blah i'm too vaga to write about it all...if you want to know more look at my pics on fb or ask me! 

i know i haven't been the best with this blog thing, but im turning over a new leaf! i will update religiously from now on!

today i had a midterm.  it sucked. im not sure how i did. maybe a B? too bad it's 40% of my grade. ugh.  immigrant experience = hardest class offered in this program, but whatever, im learning and its legit.

tonight i think we're gonna go out and see malasaña...something different than sol for once.  AND it's where all the cool alt kids go, so im sure ill love it.  here are some of the bars there: 

if y'all ever come visit me in España, this is where we'll be going.  i've already gone to tupperware and it was awesome!

im super tired though. and i have to be ready by 820 to get to principe pio by 9 so we can go 3.5 hours to this winery place where we WONT BE DRINKING ANY WINE even though its a vineyard (i have a hard time believing maricarmen will be able to enforce this policy, but we'll see), and then we're going to this monastery place where they do all these gregorian chants and then we're going to get a wonderful traditional castilian dinner in this middle of nowhere tiny town.  so it should be fun. but cold! ahh! so cold here...i mean, like 40s but still! lots of wind!

and today, it was insane, there was the most ridiculous HAIL giant balls of hail and so many falling for so long....intense shit.

Speaking of intense: Watch This Now!

baaah i guess i should get ready if i want to go out tonight, but im sooo lazyyyyyy

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Miss and Love

List time!

Things I Miss:
- living with people my own age/sola
- dollars
- not having to be an electricity/water nazi, although I guess it´s good anyway
- feeling productive
- having a normal appetite
- lean protein
- not oily vegetables
- greek yogurt and honey
- not ham and/or chorizo 24/7
- ice creammmmmmmmmmmm thats not crazy expensive
- centennial, especially rooms 212 and 214
- house parties
- TDR (i know, i know, but you would too!)
- walking around barefoot in my own house
- central heating
- cereal variety (reeses puffs, lucky charms, frosted flakes, CINNAMON LIFE, cinnamon toast crunch, etc)
- soup!!
- normal coffee...sooo over espresso!
- dryers!  oh mannnnnn

Things I Love Here:

- the language
- nightlife (OMG...except enough with the techno all the time, please)
1) El Tigre
2) La Alhambra
3) Kapital, Pacha, Samsara, etc etc though every week is a bit much for me
4) El Son!
5) the goat! haha jk
- cheapppp wine.  You can buy a glass bottle in the supermarket for 1.75 euro
- chocolate covered waffles (qé gofre, in particular...oh my god best thing ever)
- tapas! mmmm patatas bravas and french fries and ham and cheese on bread and etc etc
- croquetas!
- not having barely any responsibility, haha
- meeting new people
- cheap taxis
- CHEAPEST WATER, 30 cents a bottle! for a liter and a half! woooo
- maricarmen and all the crew at mosaic <3 
- being able to travel to like 1023821 different countries for around 30 euro
- cañas
- being one stop away from school...although that also means being really far from el centro, but you win some, you lose some
- monthly metro/bus/buho passes...and being able to buy the 29 euro one! first time im happy im under 21 hahaaa
- being legal 
- having my own a certain extent...maybe if i actually had privacy and a non-invasive host mom to go along with it, i'd be happier, but what can you do.
- the weather! soo nice

Things I Will Probably Never Understand About Spanish Culture:

- harem pants. WTF
1) WHY did these ever become popular? I have even seen denim versions! 
2) Are people trying to make themselves look as awkward/fat as they possibly can??

- Rat tails.
1) Please, really? Didn't we see enough of these things in the 90's? I'm not even kidding, this is quite a common 'do here.

- HAM 24/7
1) No, but really.  This is quite common. First, you go to museo del jamon (Not even kidding, there are tons of these in Madrid, and they are CHOCK FULL of ham legs hanging from floor to ceiling, as well as every other form of ham imaginable.  It's really a sight to see) to get your tasty ham leg, then you put it on your jamonero (yes, a ham stand specially made to fit this purpose), and then you slice away for weeks until you have finished your lovely jamon iberico.  Ugh

- How people can live at home til they're 30-35.  I would probably die.  No, really.  And i thought i wasn't gonna make it to 18.
- BANGS! such intense bangs everywhere!
- ridiculous PDA everywhere.  even in the metro.  AND don't even get me started on the parks.  Sex in broad daylight in a public place, anyone?  This is not uncommon, and it's usually far worse, but i googled this image, and would have felt creepy posting anything more intense:

- As with Latin America, the time.  If you SAY a time, why be 2 hours late?
- Eating dinner at 10pm.  mmmm.
- how everyone is in such good shape here and yet they eat so much! i guess all the walking? i want the secret!

SOOO i gotta start (soo late, i know) studying for my midterm tomorrow.  i'm actually a bit scared for it, im not gonna lie.  its def my hardest class, and i dont understand a word of the readings! ahh! im totally getting C...please god, noooooo.

To do list:
- finish application for next semester!
- plan Denmark/Finland trip for the end of this semester
- figure out if im gonna be home for Nora's wedding
- do something fun this weekend that does not eat up my wallet
- talk to people.  if you're reading this and you know i'd want to talk to you...TALK TO MEEEEEE