Thursday, March 5, 2009


Soo i went to carnaval and Portugal and blah blah i'm too vaga to write about it all...if you want to know more look at my pics on fb or ask me! 

i know i haven't been the best with this blog thing, but im turning over a new leaf! i will update religiously from now on!

today i had a midterm.  it sucked. im not sure how i did. maybe a B? too bad it's 40% of my grade. ugh.  immigrant experience = hardest class offered in this program, but whatever, im learning and its legit.

tonight i think we're gonna go out and see malasaña...something different than sol for once.  AND it's where all the cool alt kids go, so im sure ill love it.  here are some of the bars there: 

if y'all ever come visit me in España, this is where we'll be going.  i've already gone to tupperware and it was awesome!

im super tired though. and i have to be ready by 820 to get to principe pio by 9 so we can go 3.5 hours to this winery place where we WONT BE DRINKING ANY WINE even though its a vineyard (i have a hard time believing maricarmen will be able to enforce this policy, but we'll see), and then we're going to this monastery place where they do all these gregorian chants and then we're going to get a wonderful traditional castilian dinner in this middle of nowhere tiny town.  so it should be fun. but cold! ahh! so cold here...i mean, like 40s but still! lots of wind!

and today, it was insane, there was the most ridiculous HAIL giant balls of hail and so many falling for so long....intense shit.

Speaking of intense: Watch This Now!

baaah i guess i should get ready if i want to go out tonight, but im sooo lazyyyyyy

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