Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So i was watching tv this morning, and came across this tv show that's called "Aprende Inglés!" which is probably the funniest/coolest thing i've ever seen.  It's this dude who just talks about random shit, but in really slow, overly-pronounced english.  When i got to the channel, he was talking about how Chinese and some languages in Africa are to.nal. lang.uage.s. so. that. when. you. say. a. word in. a. high.er. tone. it. is. diff.er.ent. than. the. same. word. in. a. low.er. tone.  oh man so great.  He also has guests that come on and chat to liven things up.  I wish we had shit like that in the US! I would watch that in Portuguese or Italian or French or German or anything! 


On another note, I really like this song a lot right now, even though it's totally lame.  heehee.


So random updates:


1) I went shopping yesterday at H&M and this store called Sfera.  The only bummer is that all the prices in H&M are exactly the same but in euros! so it's like 1.3 times the amount I would pay in the US.  I bought this awesome dress that was 50% off though cause i saw it full price at the H&M in Chinatown and i figured it was worth it =).  


2) I put 15 euros on my phone here (the program gave us one to use while in España) and i ended up with 21.16 euros as my balance! that means whoever used my phone before me obviously left some money on it! wooo yay lucky


3) I don't have class until 4pm on Tuesdays, so i have absolutely nothing to do before then.  Rachel and I might meet up though? She's probably not awake yet, though.


4) I'm still addicted to perezhilton and gofugyourself.


5) I am DYING for a cup of normal coffee.  All the coffee here is like espresso.  There are starbucks and dunkin donuts (although it's called dunkin coffee here for whatever reason) around, but one cup of regular black coffee costs €2.20 which is almost 3 dollars! Craziness.


6) Since I've been here, talking to random peeps, I have been told I have an Argentine, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Ecuadorian, and Chilean accent.  These accents are all very different, and I'm not sure how one person can sound like all of these.  The conclusion I have come to is people here are not up on their latin american accents.  I was talking to one guy about how everyone says different things, and he's like "Well, in English it's like if you say someone has a Scottish or British or Australian accent....you can't tell really the difference between each of those!" and i was like "...yes, yes you can..."


7) I think i'm going to Bulgaria for spring break! and maybe paris for Valentine's Day! I still need to figure out when I'm going to Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Amsterdam, etc etc and if I even have enough money to go all these places (most likely not).


8) Pictures!

 I dont know why the last one is so small, but whatever.  The first picture is us at approximately 630 am after a night of clubbing.  That truck was coming up right behind us and we had no idea.  It honked when it was about half a foot away from us and we all nearly died of a heart attack.  The tiny picture is myself and tess breaking it down in Salamanca.  I am absolutely ecstatic for whatever reason, but yeah good times!

1 comment:

  1. woww I am so jealous of your travel plans! being in paris for valentine's day? talk about the city of love, eh? :) going with anyone special... *cough cough* andres hehe

    at least everyone assumes you're latin american of some sort, right?

