Sunday, April 12, 2009

la de daa

i knowww im a terrible person for not having updated this in about 5 years, but what can i say...ive been living my life and having a pretty good time and seeing the world, and also, im just bad at keeping blogs. hah.

soooo last week i was in bulgaria. very interesting country. SUCH a difference between east and west europe, i can't even explain. i only spent about 170 dollars the entire week and i went out every night and ate enough food for about 3 normal people (especially any normal bulgarian girl, as they all weigh approximately 100 pounds soaking wet).

I ended up spending the majority of the time at goce's apartment (dorm room?) because mariya was busy or something, and im SO grateful that goce was able to take me in...if not, i would have been on the streets in a country where i don't speak the language and that would have just been lovely.

some interesting things about bulgaria:
- shaking your head means yes and nodding your head means no. i kid you not. how strange is that?? and also, very difficult for me when i dont speak bulgarian and im trying to point out nonverbally which pack of gum i want to the lady working at the convenience store
- "retro" music and hip hop are extremely popular - retro music is anything from the 80s and 90s or even earlier, such as "grease lightning" or "YMCA"
- going out to a bulgarian club consists of finding a table and dancing around the don't just go to a disco to dance on the dance floor, you must first find a table and stand awkwardly around it, too far from anyone to actually have a conversation.
- bulgarian music is called chalga and here is a sample: Jestoko
- everything is so effing cheap: i got a ginormous burger and fries for 2.50 lev which is about 1.70...mmmmmm...however, clothes there are extremely expensive...more expensive than in spain! how does that make sense?
- seatbelts don't exist, basically. which is terrifying seeing as the drivers there are just as crazy if not crazier than those in new york city.
- rakia is the national drink of bulgaria and also the reason i do not remember the first night i was there. at all. that was the first and last time i drank that stuff. think terrible tasting absinthe. uugghhhh

so yeah. in other news, i went to barcelona and it was beautiful and sunny. funny thing about barcelona is they don't speak spanish there, so that was interesting. catalan is very similar to spanish though, so it was possible to get around fine. plus, everyone speaks spanish if you ask them to.

hmm what else...ive just been going to class and living life here...idk what else to say...going out on the weekends, usually and not doing much during the week.

oh, also...there are two other girls living in my house now, which brings the grand total up to 4 exchange students...i think it's a bit too much for the apartment. i mean, theyre nice girls, that's not the problem at all...but we're all living in this one apartment with one bathroom and no space really. i pretty much stay in my room anyway when im home because that's the only real place to be, but whatever.

right now i am absolutely drowning in work because i haven't really done anything all semester, i mean, it's my fault BUT it sucks so im actually updating my blog to procrastinate just a bit more. maybe i'll go for a run too...anything to avoid this 8 page paper and reading this awful book and doing my immigrant experience presentation. AH

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